A Salute to the People of Honduras and Their Persistent Resistance

My hat remains perpetually off to the people of Honduras, beginning with the coup on June 28, 2009, to this day for resisting a murderous regime sent special delivery from the US State Dept.  Below is a post I put up on January 27, 2010, on my now defunct blog, Honduras Oye.  I am trying to incorporate stories of peoples’ struggles I have chronicled in separate blogs over the years on Guinea, Honduras, and Haiti, Cuba, Venezuela into this blog.  This particular entry focuses on the song that united and fueled the Honduran Resistance.  It is presented in two, short compelling  short videos.  Of particular note, at the end of the first video you will see the Honduran Resistance gathered at the airport in Tegucigalpa waiting on a plane carrying their exiled president, Mel Zelaya.  Of course, the thugs who took over the government denied the plane landing rights.  Yet it was able to pass by the airport, tipping its wing in salute to the people on the ground.  Oh yes, it was a Venezuelan pilot doing the honors.  Thanks, Hugo Chavez.

January 27, 2010

It seems like a good time to look back at the last seven months and honor the Honduran Resistance which hit the streets June 28, on the day of coup, and has not stopped.

The Resistance is Not Afraid:

The anthem of the Honduran Resistance is a beautiful and compelling song:  “Nos tienen miedo porque no tenemos miedo” or in English, “They are afraid of us because we are not afraid.”  Two versions.